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The Civil Service Board is responsible for making and enforcing the rules and regulations that are needed to effectively carry out the daily operation of the County Civil Service System. The Board is responsible for prescribing job related qualifications; approving with coordination of the County Commission any across the board raises; assigning category of service to new positions; hearing employee grievances; granting leave of absences; establishing pay levels for different classifications; announcing vacancies; conducting examinations; creating eligibility list and approving appointments.
The Board meets quarterly in the Civil Service Board Office at 1702 Noble Street Suite 115, Anniston Alabama.
The Calhoun County Civil Service Board is composed of five members over the age of 25, who reside in Calhoun County. All members are appointed by the Alabama Legislative Delegation and serve a four-year term.
Current Board Members:
Earnest Woods - Chairman
Greg Kernion
Scott Calhoun
Eric Hammonds
Rodney Owens
The Calhoun County Civil Service Board Office is open
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. till 4:30 p.m.
closed for lunch from 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Who may apply for County Civil Service positions?
Any one who is 18 years old and has a state accredited high school diploma or GED equivalent. The Sheriff Deputy position requires an applicant to be 21 to be hired.
Do you accept resumes?
No. Resumes may be given to the Department Head when you are called for interview
How long will my application be active?
At the time of testing you will be notified of the test date and time. If you do not take the test, your application will be destroyed.
Can I submit one application for all the positions available?
No. You must submit a completed application for each of the positions you wish to test for. All applications must be filled out completely and signed by you.
What do the tests consist of and how long do they take?
The test for Data Entry Operator, Account Clerk, Sheriff Deputy, Corrections Officer, Dispatcher and Laborer are written tests. There are 100 questions, which consists of basic math, grammar, spelling, word association and general information concerning the position being tested. There are books available at the Library and for sale at various bookstores that can be used as study guides for the various tests. It is strongly recommended that you use these to study for the test if you have never taken a test of this kind before. The Equipment Operator test is a performance test in which the applicant will be asked to operate heavy machinery doing various tasks. Normally the testing time will last about 2 to 3 hours.
What do I have to make on the test to be on the eligible list?
A score of 60 or better is required to be on the eligible list. The higher the score the higher your ranking on the list and the sooner you will be called for interview.
How long is the eligible list good for?
The eligible list is designed to last for 1 year from the date it was given, but in some cases there are not enough names on the list to keep it active that long. In such cases we will announce the position again and give another test. You must re-apply to take the test again.
Calhoun County Job Application
Job Application in PDF format (Please use Adobe reader Version 6 or better). Please download and fill out form completely. Please sign and mail or fax to address or fax number provided at the top of the application.
***Note: All applicants are required to submit a copy of their high school diploma, college diploma or GED certificate with their application.***
Applications for employment with Calhoun County are accepted when a position is announced, during the regular business hours of 8 am and 4:30 pm Monday through Friday by completing the standard application form and mailing it to the address at the top of the application. Applications may also be brought to the Board Office.
A new list for an established entry-level position is created annually or if all names on the list have been exhausted. When a list is expiring, the Civil service board will post a public announcement in the Anniston Star, the state employment agency, this web site and the board office, that applications will be accepted for a specific position. Announcements will list the basic qualifications, beginning salary, and the final dates that applications will be accepted before testing. Applications must be submitted on the standard application form provided by the Civil Service board. No resumes will be accepted.
When an announcement for a position is posted, it does not mean that there is a vacancy for the position only that the current list for the position is expiring. A test for that position will be scheduled approximately two weeks following the closing date that applications are accepted.
Applicants are placed on the eligible list for the position for which they have been tested according to their test score. When a vacancy for that position occurs, the top six applicants are scheduled for an interview and one will be hired. The remaining five applicants will go back on the list in the same order, until the next vacancy then their names plus the next applicant from the list will be submitted to the department head where the vacancies exist. The list will move according to the number of vacancies in the one year period. At the end of the year, a new list will be established using the same procedures. Applicant must reapply and be tested again to be on a new list.
After testing is completed, all applicants will receive their test scores.
The Calhoun County Civil Service Board covers only employees with the county Administrative system. It does not cover city, state or federal employees.